Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is Michael Phelps going Britney’s way?

Michael Phelps

Swimming sensation Michael Phelps was recently in news for smoking marijuana. A picture that claimed to have been taken in November 2008 at a party showed him smoking marijuana.Michael Phelps facing Three Months Ban after this incident. authorities have taken this move after realizing that how badly this incident can effect the young followers of Michael Phelps.

Michael Phelps

After hearing the news the first question comes in to mind is that is the over achievement in young age makes one vulnerable towards habits like drug addiction, alcoholism that almost every young achiever in world remains in news for any of these addiction.

There is no scarcity of examples if we start to count the names of achievers who became addict of some sort of drug or became alcoholic after achieving success in their young age. Michael Jackson, Mike Tyson, Britney Spears are the few names of our over achievers who got addicted in the past.

The Swiss tennis star Martina Hingis retired after found test positive for cocaine at Wimbledon in year 2007. A two years ban was also imposed on her. Although she denied all charges and claimed that she is absolutely innocent and said this after the incident “I've never taken drugs and I am 100 per cent innocent. The reason I have come out with this is because I do not want to have a fight with anti-doping authorities."

Same was the case with Diego Maradona. He was suspended from Italian league for 15 months after found test positive for cocaine use. He again found test positive in World Cup 1994 for ephedrine. But appreciating news is that he bucked the addiction and became national team coach in 2008.

However Michael Phelps apologized to his fans and admirers for this act and promised that this situation will not occur again in future. And all his admirers including me are optimistic that this was a unique incident and Phelps will fulfill his promise.

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