Two Indian players booked seat in the Syed Modi International Grand Prix badminton tournament on Friday. These are top seeded Saina Nehwal and Chetan Anand. Other player in semi-final is RMV Gurudsaidutt who outplayed Indonesian Andre Kurniawan Tedjono in straight games. Saina Nehwal beat fifth ranked Fransiska Ratnasari of Indonesia 11-21, 21-4, 21-19. She took 54 minutes to enter into semi-finals. On the other hand, Indian shuttler Chetan Anand beat sixth ranked Anup Sridhar 21-18, 21-10 in just 29 minutes. Chetan is to take on Gurusaidutt in the semi-finals.
Among others in fray, second seed Tarun Kona and Arun Vishnu spanked compatriots Arun Nandaluri and Srujan Nandaluri 21-9, 21-9, while top seed Akshay Dewalkar and Jishnu Sanyal pipped fellow Indians Sanave Thomas and Diju Valiyaveetil 21-14, 14-21, 21-17 in the men's doubles. In the women's doubles, however, it was curtains for top seeds Aparna Balan and Shruti Kurian as they lost 15-21, 21-8 12-21 to Indonesian pair of Nadya Melati and Devi Tika Permatasari.
Among others in fray, second seed Tarun Kona and Arun Vishnu spanked compatriots Arun Nandaluri and Srujan Nandaluri 21-9, 21-9, while top seed Akshay Dewalkar and Jishnu Sanyal pipped fellow Indians Sanave Thomas and Diju Valiyaveetil 21-14, 14-21, 21-17 in the men's doubles. In the women's doubles, however, it was curtains for top seeds Aparna Balan and Shruti Kurian as they lost 15-21, 21-8 12-21 to Indonesian pair of Nadya Melati and Devi Tika Permatasari.
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